Beyond Glazing: Caring for Paintings Without Protective Glass

Since its establishment in 1993, Lilly Lane Picture Framing has been synonymous with quality and expertise in the art framing industry. With over two decades of experience and dedication to serving the artistic community, our stores in Leeton and Wagga Wagga have become trusted destinations for artists and art enthusiasts alike. While protective glass has long been a standard feature in framing artworks, there are instances where paintings are displayed without this barrier. In this article, we explore the techniques and considerations for preserving paintings and artworks that aren’t framed under glass, offering valuable insights to help art lovers safeguard their cherished pieces for years to come.

1. Choose the Right Environment:

The first step in preserving paintings without protective glass is to ensure they are displayed in an environment that minimises potential damage. Avoid placing artworks in areas prone to direct sunlight, high humidity, or fluctuations in temperature, as these conditions can accelerate deterioration. Instead, opt for well-ventilated spaces with controlled lighting to maintain the integrity of the artwork.

2. Handle with Care:

When handling paintings that aren’t protected by glass, it’s essential to exercise caution to prevent accidental damage. Always use clean, dry hands or wear cotton gloves to avoid transferring oils or dirt onto the surface of the artwork. Additionally, support the painting from underneath to distribute weight evenly and minimise the risk of bending or creasing.

3. Dust Regularly:

Dust and debris can accumulate on the surface of paintings over time, detracting from their beauty and potentially causing damage if left unchecked. To prevent this, gently dust the artwork using a soft, clean brush or microfibre cloth on a regular basis. Avoid using harsh cleaning agents or abrasive materials, as these can scratch or degrade the paint surface.

4. Consider Varnishing:

Applying a protective varnish to paintings can help shield them from environmental damage and prolong their lifespan. Varnishes come in various finishes, from matte to glossy, and can be easily applied using a soft brush. However, it’s essential to ensure the painting is fully dry before varnishing to prevent trapping moisture beneath the surface.

5. Frame with Care:

While paintings without protective glass may lack the physical barrier provided by glazing, choosing the right frame can offer an additional layer of protection. Opt for sturdy, well-constructed frames that provide adequate support and protection for the artwork. Additionally, consider using archival-quality materials to minimise the risk of deterioration over time.

6. Monitor for Signs of Damage:

Regularly inspect paintings for signs of damage or deterioration, such as discolouration, flaking paint, or mould growth. If any issues are detected, take prompt action to address them to prevent further damage. Consulting a professional conservator or art restorer may be necessary for more severe or complex issues.

7. Store Properly:

When not on display, store paintings in a cool, dry, and dark environment to protect them from potential damage. Use acid-free archival materials such as acid-free tissue paper and cardboard to wrap the artwork and store it in a sturdy, moisture-resistant container or art storage rack.

In conclusion, while protective glass has long been a staple in framing artworks, paintings displayed without this barrier require careful attention and preservation techniques to maintain their beauty and integrity. By following the tips and techniques outlined above, art lovers can ensure their cherished pieces remain in pristine condition for generations to come. At Lilly Lane Picture Framing, we are committed to providing the highest quality framing services and expert advice to help our customers preserve and showcase their artworks with pride and confidence.

Beyond Glazing: Caring for Paintings Without Protective Glass
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